tisdag 6 november 2012





Enough of all the fluff and guff. Enough of all the bitching and backstabbing and bullying and cynicism.
It is time to step apart and rise above those nurses. It is time to get our profession back on track. 
It is time to support each other, get serious and get hardcore.

This is the revolution.
A hardcore nurse is not hard like a wall, they are hard like a birth.
A hardcore nurse gives all their attention and energy to the task and challenge before them.
Through careful reflection, introspection, and interaction, the hardcore nurse has penetrated the power and importance their work. They know the very real difference they can make to both their colleagues, and those they care for.
They do not squander this response-ability.
They do not come to work just to socialise, or to provide the bare minimum standard of care, or to whinge and bitch about their lot.
They are not just a nurse, and it is not just a job.
No, a hardcore nurse wields fierce compassion, uncompromising professionalism and aggressive sensitivity. They wade assuredly into the midst of it, embracing the joys and embracing the sorrows.
They strive to bring out the best in themselves and those they work with.
They are not to be fucked with.
A hardcore nurse refers to basic nursing care as essential nursing care, and practices accordingly.
They are fully accountable for their actions and strive to improve their work through study and reflection.
A hardcore nurse knows they may make many mistakes and face many difficulties and they guard against this. But a hardcore nurse is not a hard nurse. They see these occurrences not as indications that they are bad, but as feedback that they are truly working amongst the heart of things.
A hardcore nurse laughs often. And cries sometimes. And shares both.
A hardcore nurse knows that in order to care for others they must first care for themselves. And they know the profundity of reversing that sentence.
A hardcore nurse challenges other nurses to become hardcore.
A hardcore nurse knows that their path is not something outside of them. Their work is nothing other than themselves.
It is no great deal to become a hardcore nurse…..you must simply practice hardcore without delay.